Birthday Boy

Rosemary's Baby is five today. FIVE! Where has the time gone?!! It just seems like yesterday I was having contractions in the car and willing myself not to murder the Captain as he made stupid jokes all the way to the hospital. Oh to have the doula back! But hindsight's 20/20.

Rosemary's Baby was truly the loveliest baby. He slept through the night at 8 weeks, he smiled at everyone he met and he hardly ever cried. Of course, it turns out he was saving up all his evil for the toddler years. But back before I knew what was coming, he was so good I wondered if the hospital had accidentally switched him and he wasn't really mine.

As you may know, Rosemary's Baby has autism, so he has a significant speech delay. But he's not completely non-verbal. In fact, since he's been receiving intensive therapy here every day, the progress has been quite flabbergasting. He actually has quite good functional language and is usually able to tell us what he needs using at least one word. Sometimes he can even give us a short sentence. This week, he came up with a new one, and we're hearing it rather a lot.


Yup, he's definitely mine.


Ahh, happy chocolately birthday to RB! Have a great day all round.
Happy Birthday, little guy! And Happy Birth Day to you!
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday to your little son! What a sweet picture! "Chocolate" - that is so cute! I am glad to hear that he is doing so well!
Happy Birthday to the little guy. That birthday treat sure does look yummy! Glad to hear there is progress. Stay warm! Jude
Jeannette StG said…
Chocolate is a good word, Nitwit:)
He must have a light form of autism, because what is so exhausting for the parents is that (most of) these babies hardly sleep!!
Linda said…
Happy Birthday, RB. That's a very important word he's using lately!
Glenda said…
Oh so sorry I missed this post yesterday. Happy belated birthday Little Man! Hope you guys are making it through the weather you have been having!
Margaret said…
Thanks for leaving a message on my blog. Your son is so handsome!
(a retired submariner's wife)
Melanie said…
Happy mommy anniversary - he is a lucky boy to hve a dediated,loving mom and family - chocolate requesting = happy times! Hope the day was a wonderful one for all of you!
Amadeo said…
You call your own kid Rosemary's baby? That's funny.

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