Three Weeks to Go!
This morning, something cheesy came on the radio and I asked the Captain, "Who do you think was better, Sheriff or Warrant?" And he replied, "Who do YOU think was better, Hitler or Mussolini?" proving once and for all that you cannot have a serious discussion on art with a man without it turning political.
In other news, I am waiting on the edge of my seat to hear if our only babysitter can come on Friday night to watch the kids so the Captain and I can attend his work Christmas party. Living where we do and having the kids we do makes finding a sitter a bit of a challenge. But I have my outfit all picked out. If she can't make it, I am not above getting all dolled-up up for a night in front of the TV by myself. Actually, this technically sounds more pleasant than hob-nobbing with the General and watching the Privates challenge each other to an arm-wrestle. But I could use a night away from the kids. So keep your fingers crossed for me!
More Christmas baking today and maybe (maybe) a trip to the Santa parade in town tonight. My over-the-top joyfest continues!
I had no idea who Sheriff or Warrant were- that was my Sesame Street period. :)
(I like that you felt the need to include links for Hitler and Mussolini. At least I did know who they were!)
Enjoy the parade.
Have fun!!!
I don't know who Sheriff and Warrant are, either, but I gathered that they were not politicians of any sort, and possibly that the Captain thinks they are both bad...
I'm glad my photo inspired you!