Merry Christmas!

From all of us here at 2Kids, 2Dogs (and by "all of us", I mean myself, the cat and the child currently swinging from the chandelier), a very Merry Christmas to one and all!

I'll be back soon to catch up on all your blogs (it's been busy...), announce my unattainable new year's resolutions, and give you a recap of how many of us ended up in tears before the turkey was even served.

May your Christmas be full of love, laughter and joy.


Laural Out Loud said…
Merry Christmas to you!

Can't wait to hear about your resolutions.
Have a holly jolly celebration!
Glenda said…
Right back atcha sister! Yes, I know I am up in the middle of the night. It is an old ladies curse! You can't tell me God doesn't have a sense of humor...with age we tire quickly and we only need a couple hours of sleep, then we wake like it is the normal time to get up. Still tired, but wide awake!

May your day be a blessed one!
Dimple said…
I hope by now that everything has settled down and you are enjoying (relative) quiet.
I'm looking forward to the new year of blogging, but not to resolutions. I don't make a list of resolutions, they only serve to prove how unreliable I am at keeping them!
Sandra said…
How you ended up in tears before turkey?....gotta love it when Christmas hands you blog fodder on a platter! Can't wait to hear all about it!

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