2010 Recap

One year ago, I was so happy to be rid of 2009, I entered the new year roaring, vowing that 2010 was going to be the year I took my first warm winter vacation, the year I got my husband safely home from a war zone, and the year I had my first back-and-forth conversation with Rosemary's Baby. And who knew that all those promises made weren't just big talk from an overly-emotional, slightly intoxicated nutball? Every one of them actually came true!

I spent last New Year's Eve celebrating the fact that the most craptastic year I'd ever had was finally over, and despite not having an actual grown man here to kiss at midnight, I made the best of my favourite celebration of the whole year. Case in point:

My dog is an exquisite dancer, in case you're wondering. And no, the Brady Bunch didn't call to ask for their fireplace back.

2010 was a good year. We had our ups and downs as always, but if 2011 is anywhere near as happy, we will have nothing to complain about. Here are my highlights.

The aforementioned vacation. Not only did I get to wear sandals (no socks!) in February, but I got to see three of my six (yes, I said six!) siblings while I was at it.

A great visit with Sister #4 in North Carolina. I still dream about those American dollar stores, homemade chili and corn bread, and goofy dogs doing their thing.

Seeing brother #2 in Florida was so much fun. Firstly, I finally got to set foot in Florida. Secondly, I could do the alligator boat ride 100 more times and never get bored. Thirdly, I am still trying to recreate the amazing culinary delight that is the peanut-butter-and-jelly hamburger.

And lastly, a stop in New Mexico to see Brother #1. After 3 decades of driving me bananas, he's finally stopped trying to push my buttons...and moved onto my poor kids.

I took another trip in 2010, my first one all by myself without the kids, and I saw my parents, two more of my sibs (if you're doing the math, this means that only Sister #1 was not graced with my presence this year. A goal for 2011, perhaps?) and an uncle I haven't seen in decades. All in all, a fantastic time!

Impromptu family portrait.

Sister #2 and offspring.

Other highlights include a wonderful reunion:

A new member of the family:

And so much news about the kids it would need its own blog post:

He finally figured out how to blow out the candles!!

And there you have it. 2010 in a nutshell. I'm sad to see it go, but I head into the new year with high hopes for more of the same.

From my family to yours, Happy New Year. May 2011 bring you much happiness!


Kelly L said…
Love seeing happy years... here's to a better 2011

Love to you
I've Become My Mother
Happy New Year to you and your family. Jude
That's a fab round up - wishing you and yours an even more fab 2011!
Linda said…
Happy New Year. Here's hoping everything keeps looking up, including the dancing dog.
Janine said…
Wendy!! I love all these pics. MAde me feel like I was there with all of you!!!
Glenda said…
Yes, sounds like our resolutions are along the same track. I won't call it a resolution....exactly. I don't like those. Here's to you my friend....hoping you find lots of joy this coming year as you keep it simple!
Stephanie Faris said…
My home flooded in 2010 but I also got married, so I can't say it was the worst year ever. I am glad to see it go, though!
Unknown said…
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Best Wishes for 2011!
Thanks so much for the trek through your great year. You girl, are blessed with a beautiful family!!!

God bless ya girl and have a most extraordinary New Year!!!
Angela said…
Wishing you a great 2011.....
Dimple said…
You have a good memory: let the bad things diminish, and the good things grow!

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