They Don't Call it a "Mom Blog" for Nothing

Well ladies, I'm finally back and I've got something to brag about!

All girls love receiving jewellery, right? Even the most serious marriage-eschewing feminist wouldn't say no to a nice string of pearls, or a diamond-encrusted brooch. It's in our DNA!

So today, when a very important man in my life came home with a little something sparkly for me, I was obviously thrilled. I've been wearing it all day:

Yeah, that's right. RB made this beaded masterpiece for me in nursery school today. And it's one of a kind, so don't even think about trying to score one for yourself.

In all seriousness, considering the state of his fine motor skills a year ago, this is something special indeed!

I'll be wearing it with this chic accompaniment:

Firstborn made this bracelet for me for Mother's Day 2009. The instructions were to pick beads in Mom's favourite colours. But since Firstborn didn't know my favourite colours, he went with the most likely and obvious choice: the colours of Spider-Man. He's always thinking.

Anyone can look good in diamonds and pearls. Only the truly stylish can rock plastic.


Granny Bob said…
Oh I think that is so special! R.B. is really progressing so very happy for all of you, something to keep for a long time.I love first borns bracelet, those are my favorite colors. I hope they keep up with their creative projects, and that Mom keeps sharing them with the rest of us. Take care!
Unknown said…
That is indeed gorgeous jewellery! There is nothing more special than a gift from your children made with such love. That's totally sweet. I love the Spidey-colours! :)
Laeli said…
I love plastic! I often rock a beaded choker in every colour imaginable along with a pendant necklace, the pendant is made of the shrinky plastic with a very stylish drawing:)

I adore the green and orange in your new piece! Hurray for kids!
That is million-dollar bling right there, you lucky gal.
Glenda said…
My poor Mom always had to wear some sickly sweet perfume...Midnight in Paris I think it was called. No jewerly for her! You should treasure these always. Such an achievement for RB! I do love the Spidey colors!
Good that you are back. Hope you are well.
Anonymous said…
I have some of the jewelry Maya made me and I have to say that it is adorable. Even though I rarely wear jewelry I do make an effort to wear the stuff she makes me. It's the least I could do seeing as I ignore her most of the rest of the time. :)
Anonymous said…
A belated happy Thanksgiving to you too my friend! I hope you had a great one.
Ha - bling of the best kind! Enjoy strutting your stuff, showing off your new wares!
What a magnificent jeweler that little on of your is!!! Wear it proud sweet Mama. These days are precious!

God bless ya and have a marvelous weekend sweetie!!! :o)

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