My Raciest Post Ever
Caution: This post contains some mild sexual content. Mostly involving cats. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Having taught Sex Ed to 6th graders in my former life, I am a firm believer in being open and honest with my kids and not making this subject taboo. So when Firstborn asks questions, I like to give him the basic information he's looking for without getting too in-depth, and without any embarrassment or secretiveness. This morning, we had the following conversation:
Firstborn: Can I have a cookie?
Me: It's 9AM, so no.
Firstborn: Mom, why did we get Anakin neutered?
Me: So he can't accidentally have babies with any girl cats.
Firstborn: How would he do that?
Me: (mom radar perking up and not wanting to say too much) Cats are mammals, so they have babies the same way we do. The dad helps the mom with it.
Firstborn: Oh, so the mom cat has an egg in her tummy and the dad cat has that other thing. What's that thing called again?
Me: Sperm.
Firstborn: Well, that dad cat must have to really shove that sperm in there because cats have LOTS of babies!
Me: (panic stricken and shooting coffee out of my nose) Let's have a cookie!!
Love to you
I've Become My Mother
Kids - aren't they just precious!
I had a similar conversation about circumcision with my middle two children (and the youngest eaves dropping) I explained very clinically as my son cringed at the thought of what I had done to his private parts and my oldest daughter looking at him with pure compassion. I only realized I had an eaves dropper when she giggled and said "that's cool" she obviously wasn't the boys favorite sister! lol