Look What the Cat Dragged In...

The Captain is back!

After about 48 hours of travel and delays, he got home and immediately dropped unconscious into bed. And I had to seriously hold myself back from taking a pair of scissors to those horrific handlebars...


Before you get the scissors out, just let me say: "Nice 'stache!"
Maybe when he awakes he will come to his senses....maybe!
Tricky Nag said…
He does know Movember is over, right?
But I bet it's awesome to have him home.
Yay, he's home safe and sound. Taches can be attcked later!
Glenda said…
Trust me, you will get your chance with those handle bars! I'm so glad he made it home safe and sound and in time for Christmas! Nerry Christmas to you all!
Unknown said…
Hurray! Glad to see that he's home! :)
Dimple said…
Glad he's home, mustache and all.
Merry Christmas!

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