I'm Zen!

About the best thing that's happened this year so far is that my brilliant husband figured out how to turn off the comment section on cbc.ca. So now I can keep abreast of what's going on in my country (What? There's an election?!) without having to see other people's crazy opinions on the stories. It's almost like reading the newspaper! Checking the daily headlines used to be so stressful. All those twits spewing their right, left, or squarely-in-the-middle political opinions in the dumbest, angriest way possible drove me nuts. Sometimes someone would say something so stupidly provocative that I would then join them in spewing my own insane rhetoric. But those days are over. Now I can use all that extra time to check out the latest news on Charlie Sheen. The world is returned to order!

It's spring break here and the temperatures are finally hitting just above the freezing point. My driveway is a slushy mess and my dogs are leaving their muddy paw prints all over the house. Now that I can safely drive again on a regular basis, I've decided it's time to get Firstborn out of the house and into something that doesn't involve a Wii controller.

Firstborn has shown some interest in martial arts, and he could use a little help with his coordination, so a couple of weeks ago, I looked up what's available in our area. When I saw what was involved, and that the class was open to all ages, I made a sudden crazy decision. Firstborn and I were going to take Taekwon-Do TOGETHER!

Firstborn was very enthusiastic about this idea (he's still at the age where I'm not completely embarrassing, apparently) so I contacted the school and was told to go to the class this past Monday to see if we liked it. When I got there, it became immediately apparent that things were not going to go the way I'd hoped. In this particular class, the only person in the room over the age of 12 was the instructor! I had to break it to Firstborn that there was no way I could take this class with him. Sparring with the elementary school set could only be a lose-lose situation for me. In addition to being the only creepy grownup in the class, I'd either have to get beaten up by a pre-teen, or be the one doing the beating-up. AWKWARD! Thankfully, my kid's adaptable. He's already made a friend in class without me there to weird everybody out.

And every cloud has a silver lining. As disappointed as I am not to be taking martial arts, there are other options. The class is held at the base gym, so I'll have an hour and a half to kill twice a week in a place where the only thing to do is get my pudgy butt on the treadmill or into the pool. Well, I guess I could go across the street for ice cream, but even I know an opportunity when I see it, so I'll limit the ice cream runs to no more than once every fortnight.

So, in short, my blood pressure is down from not having to read the crazy opinions of my fellow Canadians, AND I have a good excuse to get myself moving twice a week.

Take that, heart disease!


Linda said…
Well, it looks like you'll still be getting some exercise, even if not as originally planned. Good for both of you!
Glenda said…
Go get em girl! With an hour and a half you can achieve much! Hope your son loves the class; I think they are wonderful for control and agility! Great idea!
Yes, those cbc.ca comments are enough to drive you to despair over what can pass for thought in this country. You're right not to read them.
AiringMyLaundry said…
I'd go across the street for ice cream..
How old is your son? I cannot imagine taking...something I can't even spell...Ha!
I read the Toronto Star and the nice thing there is the comments has an 'aggre/disagree' option! I can click to my heart's content without getting into a war of words :O)

So what do you think of what's going on with the big 3?
Spring break and you have cold weather? Wow. I refuse to complain about how HOT it's been in my part of Florida (smile).

It's been a while and I'm so happy I dropped by! Take care and I hope Firstborn enjoys the class.
How great is it that you were going to take it with him?!? That's awesome! Sorry it didn't work out. I wish we could find a good (new) teacher for Logan. The old one scared him. Have a great weekend!!
Stephanie Faris said…
My half brother was really into martial arts when he was a kid. He saw Karate Kid and just HAD to take classes. He's an attorney now...got his master's degree and is super-smart. I'm not saying one had to do with the other, but I've always believed what they say about martial arts for young children -- it teaches them discipline and respect, in addition to strength and endurance.
Janine said…
Hey! Sorry I haven't been around much!! Moving, my dad in hospital, my husband's mom in hospital!!
Just an all round wing ding of a time!!
Hope all is well with you! Love reading your stories.
Exercise vs. ice cream!! mmmm....

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