Resolution Check-In

The New Year is officially one month old, so it's time to check in on how those resolutions are coming along. I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself, and I hope all of you out there are too!

My resolution this year was just to keep it simple. Here's how I managed to work that into my life in January:

Firstly, I opted to stay as close to home as possible. Since dropping the Captain off in the capital on January 4th, I have not set foot in a city at all. I did this because a trip to Booming Metropolis for me usually ends up looking like an episode of The Amazing Race, but without the beautiful backdrop. I tear around the city trying to squeeze in as many errands as I possibly can, spend hundreds of dollars, and return home with my blood pressure sky-high. As well, at this time of year, I have to worry about sliding right off the road on my way home. Staying local gives me cabin fever, no question. But it's much more relaxing. We have a grocery store, pharmacy, hardware store and a thrift store 7 minutes down the road. They're all tiny, but they do the job. Instead of shopping at big-box stores to save 18 cents on a can of beans, I stayed local and shopped the sales. And guess what happened? I saved almost $200 on my grocery bill this month and only put gas in the car once (it's still more than half-full!). Turns out when you shop somewhere that's a bit more expensive, but that also doesn't tempt you with housewares, electronics, and a full clothing section, you save money!

The second area I kept it simple was on my dining room renovation. This was hard for me. We've had our dining room stripped down to subfloor, drywall and plywood ceiling for longer than I'd like to admit, and I've had such a hard time getting anything done with it. The reason for this is that when I attempt any kind of home improvement, I always, always try to do way too much at once, get exhausted and frustrated and then abandon it for months. In January, I got the ball rolling by hiring someone to put drywall on the ceiling and a first coat of plaster on the seams. The rest was up to me. It's been slow-going, but I'm finally getting into the habit of taking a free ten minutes here and there to slap a little more drywall mud up. And this weekend, I finished my first coat and managed to sand a small corner. What a mess! But I don't want to quit yet, so I'm calling it progress!

And finally, exercise. Getting on the treadmill is a boring chore and it makes my knees hurt. Trying to do it when my kids are in bed, after a full day of playing single mom/dining room contractor is miserable, and an easy thing to talk myself out of. My simple solution? A minimum 30-minute game of Just Dance with Firstborn (he usually pushes me to keep going for 45) before bed. We have some fun together, and I swear I'm getting a better workout than on my sad little run/walk. My evening is suddenly free for other pursuits, and best of all, my pants are feeling less snug!

To keep myself in the mindset, I've pulled out a fun book I read last summer called "Entre Nous: A Woman's Guide to Finding Her Inner French Girl". I highly recommend it. No one simplifies life like the French!

So that's my first month of keeping it simple. January is my least favourite month of the year, and it's over. That alone is something to celebrate. Here's to keeping it simple in February!
Hang in there everyone. We get hearts and flowers and candy this month, and spring is just around the corner!!


Linda said…
Keep up the good work! Just Dance will certainly give you a workout!

And I admire you taking on the drywall mudding. Having just tried that for the first time, I can attest that it is not as easy as it looks. You may want to try a sanding sponge instead of sanding- it's a lot less mess, but I tend to take off a trifle too much with the sponge.
Anonymous said…
sounds like you've made some great new years progress so far. :-) I've done ok, however this tonsillectomy surgery has really thrown my schedule with workouts and home improvement projects off whack...I can't wait to feel normal again and get back on track! :-)
Good for you!!! I have been getting some of my to-do list done many drawers and closets have been cleaned out and the basement reno is underway!

I have stayed close to home too and dont spend $$ since Im not at the mall!
Doesn't drywall sanding work off a bunch of calories? If only!
Janine said…
I too have decided that simple is best! I will have to try Just Dance... sounds intriging!!
We are waiting for that huge storm from Texas to appear...
Give me strength to pick up that damn shovel one more time!!
AiringMyLaundry said…
I agree, Just Dance is a lot of fun for sure.
Unknown said…
Sounds like a really fun work out, and quality time with your son mixed in! Awesome! :)

I have saved bazillions of dollars, just by stopping going to Walmart. I haven't been in a couple of years, which is sometimes hard, because we have one less than a 5 minute drive away. I used to wander in, just cause I was bored, or needed one thing, and would come out with a buggy-full of things that I didn't need, but were "such a great price!".

Glad to hear that the renos are going well, that is amazing that you are doing drywall related things yourself - Wow!
Glenda said…
You definitely sound like my kind of gal! Drywall....really? Go girl!
Holy Moly! Only one tank of gas? Good for you! For sticking to budgets and everything else! I think the Dance workout is much better workout than walking. You get to workout everything instead of just your legs.

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