Awards and Flowers

Firstly, a big (belated) thank you to Glenda for this lovely award:

My blog is a thing of beauty! I'm betting she wasn't thinking about how often I refer to poop incidents when she gave it to me...

In accepting this award, I have to tell you five things about me, one of which must be about my particular craft. I'm a bit schizophrenic in my crafting and I actually have five crafts. So I'll tell you one thing about each.

Sewing: A week ago, I had enough fabric in my sewing room to last me until five years after I die. This past week, my mum sent me another giant box full of beautiful fabric (thanks, Mum!). Despite this, I still somehow feel tempted to go to Fabricland next weekend and check out the sales...

Knitting: I learned to knit when I was 7, took a break from it in my teens (when it really wasn't cool) and took it back up in my mid-20's. This year, I'm hoping to sell knitted toys at the Christmas craft sales.

Crochet: It's easier than knitting and if I'm motivated I can have a whole scarf done in an evening. There is seriously nothing better in life than getting a compliment on something you're wearing, and casually replying "Gosh, thanks. It's just something I whipped up one night while watching TV."

Cards: I tried scrapbooking, and that was just too much of a commitment. But cards are a great instant-gratification craft. With the exception of this past Christmas when things got a little crazy, I never send store-bought cards anymore. For anyone who wants to try getting into crafting, this is the one to try first!

Jewellery: This is the next craft I'd recommend to a newbie. It requires slightly more small motor dexterity than card making, but once you get the hang of that, it's quick and easy. I can make myself a new pair of earrings in under 5 minutes. Which is kind of dangerous, really...

On another note, is anyone else overdosing on everything flower-related right now? Maybe it's because we still have four feet of snow, or because with the wind chill our temperatures dropped as low as minus 49 degrees Celsius yesterday. Even the dogs don't want to stay out there for longer than it takes to get their business done. So every time I see anything with a flower-print on it in a magazine, or online, I can't look away.

I've never been someone who likes to receive roses from a man. Roses die. I'd rather have a new pair of shoes. But at this time of year, I start thinking about going to the flower shop and buying huge bunches of whatever's available and putting vases full of bouquets all over the house. Clearly I'm DYING for spring to arrive!

I'm thinking maybe it's time I started embracing my inner hippie and wearing more floaty floral stuff like this pretty top:

Image swiped from

Of course, stuffed under two fleece sweaters and a parka, I'm pretty sure something would be lost in the execution.

Happy weekend, bloggies! It might be cold, and my kid might still get up at 5:30, but the weekend is the one thing I always have to look forward to. And that's a gift!


Glenda said…
I am a faithful reader and visit each day whether you post or not. Your dialogue always makes me smile. Well, this morning I totally laughed out loud! Anyone passing my door would think I've finally gone over the edge I'm always talking about. The part about the blouse under everything else just got to my funny bone! I think we are all ready for Spring! Living in the South does have it's perks, but just remember in June, July, August when you are really enjoying the warmer temps we will be sweating down here. My Grandmother always said..."Southern Ladies don't sweat...we prespire". Well baby, this old broad S-W-E-A-T-S!!!
Linda said…
I'm with you, longing for spring and flowers, with feet of snow outside. I'm also with you with your fabric collection, to which my mom recently added her collection! So now her house is emptier and mine is much more crowded.
Janine said…
Always good to know more about you!!
Love that top too!! Yummy!!
bmsaqt said…
Always so good to read your positive blog entries, like Glenda I visit every day whether you have posted or not(I'm always hopeful!)and I can't tell you the number of times you've brightened my day considerably with your wit and enthusiasm in the face of all sorts of adversity;the weather often being the least of them!!Hope the daffs shoot up in your front yard sooner rather than later!!!Spring can't come soon enough for me either!!!
Congrats on your award. How the heck you have time to master five different crafty skills I do not know!

And I year ya with the weather. Busting for spring and flowers too!
Sandra said…
Yeah, I'm in Winnipeg. If you hadn't mentioned the two layers of fleece over that cute little dress number and freezing your ass off, I would have had to do it for you.
As for Fabricland, I hear ya. I don't even sew and I love hanging around in there. I feel crafty just fingering the fabric that will remain stored in my cupboard for eternity.
I have a stash of fabric too! And I would still buy more. Was thinking about making some resort clothes for my vacay starting Thursday, but I don't have unlimited time. Blah! I envy you being able to crochet and knit. I tried to start knitting one time, and the beginning of a scarf is hidden in the top of my closet. . . from 5 years ago. Oh well! Hope you had a great weekend.
Stephanie Faris said…
Congrats. I once tried to teach myself how to knit via a YouTube video. It didn't go so well. I don't think I have enough patience for knitting anyway. And we won't go into my disastrous attempts to sew in junior high home ec class.
Melanie said…
I think of tulips this time of year.. it may because they fill every store in my area with them!
BODECI body said…
You are such a crack up! I love your refreshing realness!
Dimple said…
Love the floaty blouse, but it would be hidden under the winter weather covers!
We do similar crafts, except I haven't done cards or scrapbooking. I have been working on a knitted nativity--I'm on the last essential piece--from a pattern Mrs Nesbitt sent. But they don't work up as fast as a crochet scarf!
I cannot believe its so cold there. I can only handle Texas weather where we only have true winter for 1-2 months out of the year. I'm already counting down the days until SUMMER - forget Spring :P

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