A Few Projects

I've been feeling a little crafty lately, partly because I'm trapped inside due to arctic temperatures, and partly because I miss the Captain and need something to keep me busy that doesn't involve my Visa and the internet.
Here are a few of my recent creations:

I've been on a bit of a crochet kick, and after making a well-received Barbie outfit for my niece, I decided my own Sindy doll from 1982 needed a little something new, so I made these (obviously hoping to usher in spring) and had fun dressing her up and having her join us here in the 21st century (bouffant-style hairdo notwithstanding). I will choose one as the final outfit and send the rest to one of the little girls in my life. Really.

Sometimes a girl just needs a little bling. Does anyone even SAY bling anymore?! Earrings are so quick and easy to make and I keep a handy supply of sterling ear wires and other necessities in one of those sets of miniature plastic drawers you can buy at the hardware store for nails and screws and bolts and nuts and washers and all those other things we women should never have to think about. The drawers were actually a Valentine's Day gift from the Captain a decade or so ago. He's such a romantic. Anyway, as a result, I have a ridiculously large collection of earrings. One day my poor boys will have to sift through it all after they ship me off to the old folks' home. But I see it as payback for the poo murals.

I didn't intend to end up with a back-cover-of-my-bestselling-novel shot, but it turns out my camera takes a pretty decent picture of me, all things considered. Or maybe it's the hat. Here, I am wearing a chunky beret I knit using a pattern I found on this very excellent blog, which I now follow, and so should you. The woman is a hoot! I used some yarn Sister #1 bought me from a real, honest-to-goodness yarn shop in the big city, and it took no time at all. Now, every time I go to the bank, I have to resist the urge stop dead on the street, look around with wide-eyed healthy optimism, and throw my beret in the air Mary Tyler Moore style. In Booming Metropolis, that kind of thing gets you mugged.

And, of course, we have cards. The top two have pretty embossed "happy birthday"s all over them, but I just couldn't get my camera to pick that up. The three white flowers (thanks, Janine!) took a bit of figuring out, but once the lightbulb went off in my head, I realized they were sticky on both sides so I could glitter them up and make them sparkly. Again, the camera hasn't picked this up. I think in future I'll need to take one big picture of each. The bottom right is a small box I recycled into a gift box for the next time I want to give away jewellery or a beaded ornament or something.

Truly, I could craft 24/7 if it wasn't for all that pesky, inconvenient housework. Speaking of which...


Janine said…
WOW!!! You are the craft master!!
I love your earrings... I too am an earring addict. I just cleaned out my jewellery case and threw out all the costume jewellery that I had only ones of and the ones that were losing their gold luster.. Time to replace them when the Bay has a sale. The cards are beautiful. Glad you could use the stickers.
And your Cindy doll is just the cutest.
Hope you are surviving time without the Captain around.
Have a great weekend.

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