Ring the Bells!

It's a red letter day here at the 2kids2dogs household! This evening we will kick off our second annual family staycation, it's the Captain's birthday and, of course, there's a little something else happening today as well:

Is anyone else as excited for London 2012 as I am?

Here's wishing you all a great weekend, and a great summer Olympic experience! News, photos and hilarious shenanigans to come!

*Post-script: I have no idea why the background text colours here are all wonky. Pretend I did it on purpose because I'm quirky like that...


Rule Britannia and enjoy your staycation! Happy bday to the Captain too.
Tricky Nag said…
What perfect timing for a staycation! I planned my whole summer around the Olympics.
Glenda said…
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
I am very excited for the next couple of weeks too. We kicked off with the Opening Ceremony and then today watched the cycle race riding around Boxhill in Surrey which is where I grew up and lived for 25 years!

I hope you and your toes have a great time - wave them around a lot!

Oh, and hopethe Captain had a lovely day!
Love the pedi colors! Enjoy your day! Judy
Melanie said…
I love the toes! glad to take a breath and catch up with the read! hope you are well.
I hope you had fun on your staycation and enjoyed the olympics! Very cool pedi!
Laural Out Loud said…
I love your toes! I might have to do that for fun- now that the Olympics are over, hopefully no one will think that I'm rooting for the "wrong" team, lol. Did you have fun on your staycation?
Angela said…
I love love love your design.

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