It's Canada Day!

Have a great day, my fellow Canadians!

Where I live, the town fair just happens to coincide with Canada Day. I entered 6 things this year, so I'll be back soon to let you know how I did!

Happy Canada Day! Best ever reason to fire up the barbecue!


Happy Canada Day! Good luck at the fair again this year!
Have a great day, and all the fun of the fair!
Unknown said…
Happy Canada Day! I hope that your entries do well at the fair! :)
Tricky Nag said…
Happy Canada Day!
Good luck with your entries!!
Glenda said…
Was beginning to think you had moved off and left us! So good to hear you are still there. Good luck with your entries at the fair. Hope the boys are doing well!
Janine said…
Hi there!! Hope you did well at the fair!!

Things here are great! Getting better and better each day...

Still not blogging alot though.

May be once the snow settles in again...

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