A Few Projects

I've been feeling a little crafty lately, partly because I'm trapped inside due to arctic temperatures, and partly because I miss the Captain and need something to keep me busy that doesn't involve my Visa and the internet. Here are a few of my recent creations: I've been on a bit of a crochet kick, and after making a well-received Barbie outfit for my niece, I decided my own Sindy doll from 1982 needed a little something new, so I made these (obviously hoping to usher in spring) and had fun dressing her up and having her join us here in the 21st century (bouffant-style hairdo notwithstanding). I will choose one as the final outfit and send the rest to one of the little girls in my life. Really. Sometimes a girl just needs a little bling. Does anyone even SAY bling anymore?! Earrings are so quick and easy to make and I keep a handy supply of sterling ear wires and other necessities in one of those sets of miniature plastic drawers you can buy at the hardware store for...