The Fair!

Well, I know you've all been sitting on the edge of your seats wondering if my date-nut muffins came third-out-of-three again at the town fair (they did!), so here's the lowdown.

First up is my sad little attempt at sewing--something I've never done for the fair before. My Barbie dress, veil and knitted shrug didn't place, and with good reason. The dress features uneven stitching and puckers galore! But I had fun making it and I'm sure my nieces won't be picky enough to worry about the shoddy workmanship.

My homemade earrings came second in the jewellery category. This sounds quite impressive until I tell you that there were only two entries. Next year I may go back to designing a necklace, which is a little more complex and seems to impress the judges more.

Finally, a first-place entry! And there was a little competition for this one, so I was very pleased to win for my cards. I also came first in the health baking category, for my gluten-free bean bread, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only fool who entered that bizarre category.

And finally, my Jubilee-themed crown for the cake decorating contest. This year, I lost to a lady who piped the queen's face on a sheet cake. I kid you not! She deserved to win, and I still got $15 for my second-place lumpy-bumpy-diabetic-coma-waiting-to-happen, which frankly is nothing to sneeze at!

What I was most thrilled about was how Firstborn did at the fair this year. He always makes a lego creation, and this year he moved into a higher age category, so I was a little worried he'd be outclassed by the big kids. But for the second year in a row he took first place! He also came first in the Fleischmann's yeast bread baking contest, which he was so excited about because the loaf he entered was his very first attempt at bread-baking ever. Check out that ribbon! Now, when I ask him to clean his room, he looks down his nose and reminds me that I am speaking to an award-winning baker.

We all knew the town fair was going to create a monster, but who'd have guessed it wouldn't be me?


Congrats to both you and Firstborn! And I really like your Royal Crown cake -- very inventive -- I'd have a slice!
Linda said…
Wow, what a great showing by Firstborn, and you too! I always enjoy seeing what you've entered and how you did. I could never make those little clothes for Barbie dolls- too persnickety for my fingers, so I think that one should get double points!
Glenda said…
How wonderful for you guys. So many ribbons and awards this yea. Love the pictures and always love seeing the boys! Well done guys! Don't be a stranger!
Introverted Art said…
That crown cake looks really delicious.
What a fun fair!! Now, what is this bean cake thingy? Congrats to first born on his award! We have mucho LEGO building going on in this house. He and Logan would get along extremely well! :)

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