Staycation, Part 1

Well, our staycation is already more than halfway over. Here are a few shots to bring you up to speed:

We kicked off the holiday by painting some of our older, more filthy unwearable shirts. Firstborn decided it was time his imaginary band Days of Destruction had a concert t-shirt. I chose to highlight my British roots (please forgive my unbelievably dishevelled appearance. We had such a heatwave happening at the time, it's actually lucky you're not looking at a melted puddle with a Union Jack on top.), and RB just wanted to get his hands dirty. The kids had so much fun, we ended up also tie-dying some new shirts later in the staycation. But that's a whole other post.

We have a very small splash park on the base and we took the kids there last Sunday morning. They had the entire thing to themselves, but their favourite part of the entire experience was, of course, eating snacks on the bench after they were done. So we can probably just save ourselves the drive next time, set up some chairs in the backyard, and let them run through the sprinkler. If the snacks are good enough, they'll never know the difference!

The heatwave continued as we made our day trip to the big city and the zoo. I got too much sun and not enough water and ended up with a thumping headache, but not before I had a great trip around the big Value Village! Photos of my thrifty finds to come someday soon.

Lots more to share, but I know from being on the receiving end that vacation photos should be shared in small doses. So I'll spare you. For now.

Happy Sunday!


I see the prairie dog exhibit at the Zoo is still going strong! That was always my fave.

And unbelievably cool shirts, guys!
Unknown said…
Wow! It looks like you and your family are having a lot of fun on your Staycation! I love the picture of your boys at the zoo!
Janine said…
HI Wendy!! Looks like you are and the kids are doing well and having fun!!

Here in London it is STIFLING!! I hate it! Better than shovelling but I hate it nonetheless!

It is SO hot and humid even the pool is like a luke warm bath!!

I am not complaining though...
Looks like everyone appeared to be having fun. Can't wait to see your bargains. Oh, and if you thought it was hot where you could have cooked a burger on our driveway! I'm not sure I would have eaten it. Stay cool my friend!!
Linda said…
Staycation is looking like a success so far. I applaud your activity in a heat wave!
Dimple said…
Looks like the start of a successful staycation to me! Painting t-shirts sounds like a lot of fun...especially the mess part!
Glenda said…
Sounds like loads of fun for all! The kids look great and I'm so glad you are doing this. It is a staycation they will not soon forget! Time with parents can be such wonderful memories!
Reminds me of when hubby took our son to the Toronto zoo...little one was more interested in the magic doors than the animals!
You're a wonderful mama! Beautiful pictures you're taking. So clear!

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