Canada Day

Happy Canada Day! And to those of you Stateside, a happy 4th of July weekend!

I've been busy, and this is why:

Our town fair is today and I decided this year to up the ante. Usually, I enter a piece of jewellery and a knitted toy. This time around, I took a serious risk and entered a decorated cake and some muffins. Anyone with two hairy dogs, a cat, and a toddler who enjoys grabbing fistfuls of anything within his reach will know why this was a stressful undertaking. If one of the judges takes a bite of muffin and finds a cat hair in it, I will simply die.

But back to the cake. It is our local fair's 125th anniversary this year, hence the farm animals and very prominent "125". I made homemade marshmallow fondant to decorate it (it was on my cooking bucket list, and now I can check it off), and in total it probably took about 8 hours. As you can tell, I am no professional, and I let the fondant sit for too long before rolling it out to cover the cake, so things are a little hilly. But overall, I'd say I'm happy with it for a first try. However, I'm pretty sure it's also a last try. People who do this kind of thing for a living must surely be demented.

In other news, I have a new computer! Cleaning out my laptop keyboard helped a little with my typing problems, but it wasn't a real solution. Now I have to slip downstairs every time I want to spend all our money blog and check emails, but the good news is that everything's so fast! The screen is also huge, so I'll be able to blog right up until my kids put me in the retirement home.

I'm looking forward to a relaxing long weekend, with friends here on Sunday for a barbecue. My only plan this weekend is to get the house just barely acceptable for guests, and to visit all the blogs I've been missing lately.

Happy long weekend, wherever you are!


Your cake is adorable! Good luck in the competition!

Happy Canada Day!
The cake looks great! Good luck! Love the farm animals!!! Have a great weekend!
Your cake is amazing! I can't believe it's your first try with fondant -- good luck, I hope you win! When I was a kid, I used to enter stuff in our town fair too -- handwriting, drawings and one time, a model horse race track made out of toothpicks. Yeah, had a lot of time on my hands in those days.
Janine said…
WENDY!!! That cake is AMAZING!! Just fabulous!! Have a Happy Canada Day!!!
Angela said…
Have a great weekend. And that is a wonderful cake. x
Glenda said…
I think you did a fabulous job on the cake. Sounds like you have been one busy camper! Good luck in the competition! Glad you have a new computer...that always used to make me a very happy girl. Now I'm hoping this one will last until I die!
I hope you had a great Canada Day!

Your cake is adorable and let's hope for no "cat hairs".

Great cake. Hope you've had a fabulous weekend.
Melanie said…
What a great cake!

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