One More Week!

Okay, a week and a half, actually. But I've just prepared my last full week's worth of school lunches for Firstborn. Oh, what a feeling! Lunch-making is my most hated chore. I hate it even more than doing floors, and if you saw the state of my floors on any given day, you'd realize just how bad that is. Firstborn doesn't like sandwiches, so I have to jump through hoops to find healthy-ish things for him to eat instead. So most weeks he takes homemade biscuits or Yorkshire puddings. It's a pain in the butt on Sunday, but it means no sandwich-making during the week, which takes the sting out of lunch-making for me just a little.

The University of Booming Metropolis has a kids' summer program called Mini U, which Firstborn so wanted to go to for a week this year. But because it's an hour away, and interfered with Rosemary's Baby's therapy, we just couldn't schedule it for him. I felt terrible and promised him that we'd do all the activities he was looking forward to at home together instead. Turns out I really should've taken a flip through the booklet first. I had visions of us sitting in the back yard with a bucket of papier mache paste making a pinata. I might've known Firstborn would have something a little more technologically advanced in mind. And so, at present, I'm trying to learn the basics of how to solder together a working robot. Me and my big mouth.

Thanks to those of you who suggested I pop my sticky keys and blow a little air under there. While it hasn't completely solved my problem, it has helped enough that I can compose a short post without going stark raving mad. There was a lot of hair under there, which makes me suspect that maybe it actually isn't a good idea to let my cat take naps on the keyboard. Who knew?! In any case, the Captain has ordered us a new regular desktop computer, so the next time I do something stupid to the keyboard, it shouldn't cost quite so much to fix the problem. Yay, Captain!

And finally, let's remember today that there's a reason we automatically turn the lights out every time we leave a room and keep the thermostat at a sensible level, don't buy ourselves boats on a whim because money doesn't grow on trees, and know approximately where to look under the hood to see if the car's out of oil yet.

A very Happy Father's Day to all those hard-working dads out there!


Linda said…
I love your last paragraph. Good luck with the robot soldering- I wish I knew how to do that.
Glenda said…
Maybe you should do a video on the soldering of the robot....Girl, what have you gotten yourself into this time! I'll be thinking about you as you venture into this little journey!
Hahahaha, yes. Fathers keep everyone on the straight and narrow.
Stephanie Faris said…
Glad the key trick worked. Biscuits and pudding for lunch? I think over there biscuits are cookies, aren't they?
Awww too bad about the MiniU! It sounds like fun!

My husband has been home for dinner for a few weeks now and let me tell you...I am sick of making meals 7 days a week! I know how you feel about not making lunches!
Oh Gawd! I hear you on the whole "make a lunch" routine - drives me bananas. One won't eat bread and one won't eat much at all. Aagghh!

And, erm, soldering? Have fun now.
Unknown said…
Oh my goodness, you have to post pictures of the robot when you guys have finished it! :)

Hurray for summer holidays!
Janine said…
Hey Wendy!! How are YOU!!? Things are good here! Big storm through last night so up ALOT! Should have brought over that robot... We could have figured it out!!

Have fun and don't forget to send pics of that thing working... Maybe you can programme it to mop floors...
Finding lunches are hard when they don't eat sandwiches. Hoope you are well.
Laural Out Loud said…
I'll be packing school lunches for next year! After watching Jamie Kennedy's Food Revolution, I am so disgusted by what schools serve and call food. I might try your prepare-in-advance method!
Rebecca Flys said…
Hey, so I think you can buy keyboards with USB plug into your lap top...just an idea...

Once, my BFF's keyboard stopped working right, and her hubs told her to clean it, so she blew on it and he said "I didn't tell you to turn it on...I told you to clean it..." bada boom.

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