Here's What You Missed

My ONE goal for the last week was to get off my butt (or on it, as the case may be) and get something posted to my blog. As you may have guessed, nothing earth-shattering has happened around here lately and I'm kind of at a loss for blog fodder. So, in the absence of any real excitement, here's a recap of my life of late.

Firstborn is finally off of training wheels! We were moving the things up and up, and finally he was just riding around the driveway without either of them touching the ground. Then suddenly, he rounded a corner and one popped right off. Things are just not made to last anymore! I took this a sign from the universe to get rid of them altogether, and braced myself for weeks of wipe-outs and scraped knees. But the kid just got on and started riding his bike like he'd been on a two-wheeler for years. So much for all my worry about him never learning to ride his bike. Kind of like my worrying that he'd never learn to walk, talk, read...

This week we have to make YET another 4-hour round trip to the big city for YET another autism-related appointment that will lead nowhere. Right now, we're averaging one a month, and the only thing being accomplished is that the car is being run into the ground. Well, that and a lot of visits to the big Value Village. So I guess it all averages out in the end.

We had a yard sale a couple of weekends ago, and I managed to offload a big pile of our junk, and make $50 in the process. I'm feeling good about this because I've just started watching Hoarders and frankly, it's scaring the bejeezes out of me. Because we invited friends and threw a big 3-family yard sale, I actually ended up spending about half my earnings on some of my neighbour's junk. But her junk was of a better quality than my junk, so I still consider the whole thing a roaring success, and wish the Captain would stop rolling his eyes at me.

And finally, it's town fair time again! I'm frantically trying to get myself organized so I can enter some crafts and baked goods. Last year, I won $8 in prize money. This year I'm going for the big win--a tub of local honey! Wish me luck. If my first two disastrous attempts at honey muffins are anything to go by, I'm really going to need it.


Linda said…
LOL about your junk upgrade! And congratulations to Firstborn on losing the training wheels.
Laeli said…
Hahahahaha! I love that you spent your junk money on more junk, that's perfect!
A favourite family fun trip was too the dump guessed it, we came home with more crap than we'd dropped off.

:highfive: to Firstborn. WTG!
I can relate about the worry thing, life just seems to continue on positively. Before you know it everyone will be grown and you be able to sit and watch them proudly.
Glenda said…
Long ago I decided I would not buy from yard sales, no matter how much better their stuff was! I would get home and realize it was just more stuff.

I have missed your posts and hop you get back in the swing of things. Summer is a hard time to get focused on blogging but we are still here waiting for your every word! Tell us about the boys, I always wonder what they are up to!
Turn them loose and let them be boys, in moderation of course! Wahahaha.....
Yeah, my Mom just told me tonight that the Fair is on! Good luck with your entries!
Viperman24 said…
sounds like you have a fun life xD

Your a great mom keep it up
Stephanie Faris said…
Garage sales exhaust me but it does feel good to clear out the junk. I sell a lot of things on eBay, but that is admittedly time-consuming.
Anonymous said…
If I lived in a house I'd totally have a yard sale. But I don't think my condo neighbors would appreciate me doing that where I currently live.

It's nice to see you back in action! My life is not interesting but my husband is so annoying I rarely run out of things to complain about. :)
Rebecca Flys said…
Hee hee, Uploading and Offloading junk is my totally favorite past-time.

I LOVE the show hoarders. When my mom's house was forclosed on, it was like a huge PHEW, as she was a hoarder. Once we all got older...there were trails through rooms. I watch "Hoarders" and it feels like home! lol. Thanks to mom, I'm a huge "THROW IT AWAYYYYY" person. Or, a huge "LEAVE IT ON THE CUUUUUURB" person. Whichever.

Hope your Keys get fixed. My Toshitba did that to me. It was the "MYLAR" in the keyboard and wasn't covered by warrantee and they wanted almost $400 to fix it. Long Toshitba story in my arsenal. (o:

Hope you find some great treasures this yard sale season!

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