Dirty Laundry to Come...Someday

Ahh, you guys! If it's not one thing, it's another!

Now that I'm finally back into the blogging mindset, and ready to air weeks worth of dirty laundry, my laptop appears to be giving up the ghost. First my s key stopped working. Then the w. Now it's the 2, which is also the @

Everywhere I go, I've had to cut and paste in every missing letter I need. My other option is to use the Captain's piddly little Netbook, which is just too annoying. This post has, so far, taken me 30 minutes to write. I'm checking in on all your blogs, but commenting is a bit of a challenge at the moment, as you can imagine.

In lieu of a proper post, here are a couple of recent shots of my kids:

RB and I took a trip to the park while Firstborn was at Tae Kwon Do. He had a whale of a time and I let him have a rare ice cream cone afterwards. Mother of the year!

Firstborn in his uniform. I'm loving that he's found an activity he likes, but looking forward to not having to drive him to it all summer.

I'm hoping to get this keyboard issue dealt with in a timely manner. I really can't go on like this for too much longer. Time for a new computer, perhaps? And maybe a money tree in the backyard, too! 


Laeli said…
I will manifest that money tree for you! I read somewhere that if we act as if money is no object, we'll have more of it. Okkk?? It helps if you iggnore all bills too;p
Linda said…
It must be the weather- my backspace key is on strike. As a non-touch typer, I use that little sucker a lot to fix errors! (needed 4 times just typing this comment)
Aaaarrrrggghh! That would drive me nuts. You must have the patience of Job. Oh, that's right -- you're a Mom -- of course you do!
Angela said…
ah.... Hope you get to have your computer fixed soon. I would be really frustrated. : ) xo
Steven said…
Let me know if you get one of these money trees. I could use one!
Computer glitches annoy the hell out of me now - we are so used to stuff just "working". So, when you find that money tree, send me over some cuttings, will ya?!
Glenda said…
Maybe you just need a new keyboard instead of the who shooting match! Love the pictures of the kids...they are growing before our very eyes!
Stephanie Faris said…
EEEEK. Have you tried taking the keys off and maybe trying to blow out any dirt particles?
When you get that money tree please let me know where and how much. I would sure love to have one in my yard!!!

Let the Captain know it's time to upgrade your computer and go all out for the Ipad. I'm waiting till I return to Florida to get mine because I will have more free time to figure it out, yes free time even with working full-time.

The ice cream looks very yummy! Have a great week....Jude
Janine said…
Those money trees!! They are hard to find!!
HAve a fabulous weekend. Weather here is finally getting better...
Anonymous said…
Have you tried flipping the keys off and dusting underneath? I was having the same problem until I realized that my keyboard was super dusty and that particles were stopping the keys from working. Just a thought??

Cute picture!!

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