What to Expect...from Hollywood

Between looking forward to getting Halloween over and done with, and getting settled back into finally having a full-time tutor come in for Rosemary's Baby's daily therapy (YA-HOO!!!), this week is already starting to get away from me. But I have to quickly share with you this groan-inducing tidbit, just in case you haven't already heard it.

The Captain informed me at dinner last night that one of the big movie companies, in its infinite wisdom, has decided to make a lighthearted rom-com based on the classic pregnancy how-to What to Expect When You're Expecting. I'm picturing an adorably befuddled Hugh Grant making nervous conversation about mucus plugs.

Please God, let this one go straight to video.


Unknown said…
Oh my gosh, I hated that book, it effectively turned me into a nervous wreck...I had no idea that so many things could go wrong before I read it! It is really the only book that I vehemently HATE. Although, I must admit, I am a little curious about seeing it in movie format.
Glenda said…
Right there with you sista! They are getting desperate for material! Personally, I love the Turner Classic Channel...nothing like a classic movie to curl up with!
Anonymous said…
It will be like roadkill . . you don't wanna look but are too curious to not. People need to reach down deep for creativity rather than basing so many movies on books--and self-help at that. Remember, He's Just Not That Into You? Ugh!
Janine said…
LOLOL!! Hugh Grant!! That's funny!
Linda said…
I don't watch many movies, but this is certainly one I will miss!
Melanie said…
That is probably the worst book to read when expecting - I kept waiting for these horrible things to happen! So I tossed the book and bought a girlfriends guide to pregnancy.. now that was a much better book!
laterg8r said…
that book scared me, perfect for halloween!

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