Happiness 101
Let's try this again, shall we?
A big thanks to Debra at She Who Seeks for giving me this lovely award:

I'm kind of lousy at passing these things on because I spend two hours deciding who to give it to and then another hour linking to them all, and then none of my laundry gets done and my kids ask why they haven't been fed. But I do love to participate, and for this one I have to list 10 things that make me happy. That I can do!
1. Skin care. I decided recently that because I can't possibly have expensive clothes or fancy furniture and expect any of it to stay clean or in good repair, I can at the very least take better care of my skin. I've treated myself to some Mary Kay products, which for a cheapskate like me is pricey, but very nice. And I counter that expense with a few budget-friendly techniques as well. Did you know that if you take regular old baby oil and slather yourself in it from head to toe right before taking a shower, it leaves your skin noticeably softer? When I'm 90, all the toothless old men at the nursing home will be flocking to my wheelchair, telling me I don't look a day over 76 and fighting over who gets to join me for a game of shuffleboard. That makes me happy.
2. The animals are getting along!
Here they are sharing in some mischief. The dogs pull the dirty frying pan off the counter and they all get in there and lick it clean for me. And when they do fight, the cat usually wins!
3. Beautiful weather.

Rosemary's Baby and I went out to enjoy some summer temperatures this afternoon. He tried to climb the hay bales and then we had a bit of a walk around the trees that surround our house. I got some great shots!
4. Crafts.
I've signed up for a table at the Christmas craft sale in town this year. I'm scrambling to get things made, but it's really got me thinking creatively for the first time in a long while.
5. Pumpkins.
Years ago, the Captain and I were walking down the street and I veered off with no warning towards a shop window. There was a painting displayed there of a pile of pumpkins. I should've gone in and bought it but I didn't. Now, every year, we grow a buzzilion pumpkins in the garden and I make pies and breads and pancakes and pumpkin seeds. It's how I know fall has arrived.
6. My kids. Firstborn came home today and told me he accosted his Science teacher at lunch to tell her he really liked her class. Rosemary's Baby took an entire bottle of my aforementioned baby oil the other day, emptied it into the bathtub, stripped himself naked from the waist down and spent the next 20 minutes sliding around in there, laughing like a hyena. How could this stuff NOT make me happy?
7. Reading. Books, magazines, catalogues (which technically don't count as meaningful reading!). I'm not picky. A cup of tea, a few quiet minutes and something to read--happiness!!
8. A long drive all by myself--just me and the radio!
9. Flavoured coffee first thing in the morning.
10. De-cluttering. I cleaned out the kids' playroom two weeks ago and bagged up all the toys they never actually play with. They haven't noticed anything is missing yet!
If any of you out there want to post 10 things that make you happy, feel free to grab this award and say I gave it to you!
FYI, my entire skin care regime consists of slathering some Jergen's hand lotion on my face after showering. Yup, I'm a slave to beauty.
Beautiful earrings!
I also enjoy the long drives alone. Ahhhh....peace and quiet.
SO much to do for Thanksgiving this weekend. I think I am on top of it though!!
Have a fabulous thankful weekend!!
thanks for visiting me during my babymoon :D