Notes From a Rainy Thursday
I'll be back to proper blogging (and commenting) soon, honest!

I posted my meatball soup "recipe" a while back to illustrate the kind of comfort food that makes you feel better when you're sick. I was reminded today that I have another kind of comfort food, and my need for that tends to hit when the weather looks like this:
Unfortunately, the food I gravitate towards when the sky goes all grey and the rain starts pelting down is full of fat and carbs and sugar. But I swear, it must be an actual medical condition. I wake up to a gloomy day and all I can think about is baking! And then I bake and bake and bake. And a month later, I'm still sneaking slabs of cake out of my deep freeze and wondering why I can't get my jeans done up.
While I can take a fridge full of leftovers and turn it into a pretty delicious soup, I am not very innovative in my baking. I'll make an occasional substitution, and I never, ever follow all those directions that tell you to "cream" this and "fold" that (why do they never just say "dump everything together and bake 30 minutes"?!), but that's as creative as I get with my baking. So, I have no cake recipes of my own to share. If you're now in the mood for empty carbs, let me direct you to my personal baking guru, Nigella Lawson. She will not let you down.
Aaaannd...onward and upward. Firstborn came home from first grade today and, while dutifully eating his strawberries at the table, asked me what global warming was all about. He listened so seriously and intently to my simple (but long-winded) answer that I was patting myself on the back about educating my kid so effectively on such an important environmental issue. When I was finally done talking, the impact of my little lecture became apparent immediately, when he uttered this response:
"Oh. Can I have a Dunkaroo now?"
And finally, I should have good news and pictures to share this weekend. Firstborn and I put together this little teaser. See if you can figure out what's going to be happening!

And yes, those are Christmas lights...
He is coming home this weekend!?!?!?!
Blessings to all of you, and don't you dare visit me until after you've had a good long visit with him!