Not Dead, Just Lazy

I'm still alive out here in the middle of nowhere, in case you were worried. As usual, things are moving at a lightening-quick pace here, and everything's happening at once.

That's not to say things aren't going well. Rosemary's Baby's full-time therapy program began last week, and I am absolutely amazed at what intensive interaction with another person can accomplish. While he has never been completely non-verbal, I have never heard this much spontaneous and appropriate language coming out of him! One big reason I haven't been online is that having someone here all day every day, and trying to learn the program to keep up my end of things takes up a lot of time and energy. But that will change when we get into our therapy groove.

And in other great news, we are finally approaching the end of the Captain's tour of duty! I can't give dates or locations for reasons of security, but there is a light at the end of this LONG tunnel, and thank goodness. I now understand why people drink!

Anyway, I just wanted to post an update in case any of you thought I'd offed myself. Hope you're all enjoying the same glorious weather we are!!


Unknown said…
I am so glad to hear that your son's therapy program is going well! It is exciting news that your husband is coming home soon!
Yay for your life coming together! When the Captain gets back you will wonder what to do with him! ;o)
I'm glad to hear all is well and moving at lightening speed! Be good, be safe and have a great day! Jude
Linda said…
I was wondering what was going on since it had been a while since you posted. Glad to hear everything is fine, just busy.

Sounds like the therapy is going to work out- that's good news. And, yay to the prospective end of being a single parent operation!
Good to hear you're not dead! Great to hear about the new regime having some almost immediate effects - how encouraging!

Now, get off your backside and go and do some gardening, or sew somthing pretty, you lazy moo! LOL
Jenn said…
Well hooray on all counts! I'm glad the therapy is working out so well and that himself will wander back home soon(ish)?!
Melanie said…
glad all is going well!
Best wishes --
Dimple said…
I'm glad too, on both counts. Blogging is fun, and a good way to establish friendships, as I have discovered. But family and face-to-face are definitely more important!
Glenda said…
I was beginning to get a little worried here! I hoped it was the new therapy just going on. I just love it when a plan comes together. Life is good!
Deb Neerman said…
" ... just wanted to post an update in case any of you thought I'd offed myself."

Ummm, actually it had crossed my mind ...

I kid! Glad to hear that Captain Canada is homeward bound. Taking into consideration military speed and efficiency, you should see him ... what? Next spring?!?

Glad you're making so much progress with Rosemary's Baby! Fab news!! My poor DIL almost had a nervous breakdown when the "team" arrived to "desensitize" our autistic guy. It's not pretty but boy, does it work! The screams over hands in half-set Jello still hang in the air ...

Sending hugs!!
Stephanie Faris said…
Great to hear life is well. Please keep us posted on everything, especially once your hubby is back home. (Although you'll be too busy to blog then!)
Janine said…
I can see that light!!!! I am SO glad the tour is almost over!!
And YAHOO!! for the therapy working so well.
I look at my little pearls and think of you often!
Classic Passion said…
I think I joined you on the break away, sounds like everything is going swimmingly well for you.

I am enjoying the weather too!!!

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