He's Home!

We picked up the Captain VERY late Friday night, and I was hoping to get a nice family photo to share, but the fact that Rosemary's Baby didn't burn the place down was as much as I could've hoped for at that hour. Making him smile for the camera was just asking for trouble. I did get a shot of the Captain and Firstborn in the parking lot before we headed home for a reunion with the dogs. Please join me in BEGGING my husband to shave that insane moustache.

Ever wonder what it'd look like if Hercule Poirot got sent to Afghanistan? Now you know.

The highlight of the evening (other than two busloads of soldiers returning from war) was that I was interviewed by our local CBC Radio guy. I have not searched out that interview, and I'm holding out hope that he got a better sound byte from someone else because I'm pretty sure I came off high-pitched and hysterical. Plus, when he asked me how I felt, instead of giving the correct military spouse answer ("PROUD!"), I blurted out (and remember to imagine this frenzied and delirious) "RELIEVED!" So, I'd like to say here, for the record, that I am also very proud.

We've had a nice weekend together as a family. And now...let the bickering begin.


Unknown said…
Hurray! Super news! Awesome photo!
Linda said…
Glad he's home with you again and I bet you are relieved!
That's a happy picture.
You must be over the moon!
Ahhh - lovely - have a great reunion and I hope he's home for a good while now - give you a proper chance to get your bickering up to par!

Hercule Poirot indeed - does the moustache make him even more intelligent?!
Glenda said…
I am so happy for you guys! enjoy your time together! Have a wonderful Holiday weekend!! Awesome photo! Looks like a scrapbooking moment!!
Janine said…
WOW!!! What a wonderful moment for you and the boys!!
Welcome Home Captain!!!
laterg8r said…
so awesome for you that he's home :D i'd be relieved too :D

i'm with you on the mustache too LOL :D
Dimple said…
Glad he's home! Enjoy your time together.
Deb Neerman said…
Fabulous news! Welcome home, Captain!
Jenn said…
My Crypt Keeper still thinks the 'stache is a cry for help.;)

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