I've Got This Theory About Muppets...

Today being the 40th anniversary of Sesame Street, I've decided to share with you an insane little theory I've been working on for years. Let's see if you can figure out what it is.

When I was a wee thing, I loved Bert. Bert was my favourite of all the muppets. His bottle cap collection was so awesome. And all those paper clips! WHO has that many paper clips? The answer, some 30 years later, is ME! I'm an organization nerd. I like order, and I cannot relax in my own living room if it's a mess. I'm anal. I'm bossy. I'm cranky. I'm...Bert.

Sister #1 is just a year younger than me. When we were little, she liked the Count. She ended up being the more academically inclined of the two of us, and she grew up to become an actuary, which means she has a very intricate understanding of the world of finance. She doesn't live in a creepy castle with bats (though that would be cool), and she doesn't wear a black cape, but she might have a widow's peak if I pulled her hair back (hmmm...note to self: yank sister's hair back during next visit). But she's great with numbers, and that's got to count for something. Har-dee-har-har.

Do you see what I'm getting at? There seems to be a corelation between the muppets we liked and the people we became. Did the muppets we identified with as children shape who we are now? Or were we already those people even way back then, and that's why we liked who we did? Or, is it just a coincidence?

Did anyone else out there like a muppet they ended up emulating in adult life? I think I may have finally found my perfect PhD thesis here...


laterg8r said…
awesome thesis - my dh is snuffy and i am the count :D

my girls are creeped out by the muppets - wonder what that says about them LOL :D
Sharon said…
Cookie Monster was always my favorite... Manic, lack of self control with some serious post binge guilt. Now I'm a social worker, working with manic clients who have poor impulse control, and who have some serious guilt issues over the impact their choices have on their loved ones.

I REALLY think you might be on to something!
Kel. said…
What does it say about me that my fav. was Snuffalupagus (sp?).

I am invisible to all but my best friends ... hhhmmm. Possible.

Or that I am a bit slow but when people want me to do something or want to introduce me to someone and then magically I am the fastest person on the planet ... hmmmm. Possible.

Maybe you have something here!
Unknown said…
I read your post earlier and have been thinking about it, and I think you are absolutely right.

As a child Ernie was always my favourite. He was so happy, and easy going. He was also caring, and always wanted to make Bert happy. Also, he was totally messy and unorganized. I think that I have turned out a lot like Ernie!
Allison said…
I'm just like Bert... and you, I also can't relax if my living room is a mess. I don't remember Bert being my absolute favorite then though. I always liked Grover, he was quirky and doing funny things. I loved that skit where he was the waiter. That was my favorite! I'm a little like him though, a bit manic and easily frazzled. Maybe you have something with this theory here!
Sister #1 said…
I DO have a widow's peak!
Stephanie Faris said…
I liked Kermit best. What does that say about me?
Anonymous said…
I hope you're theory isn't true because I think I'm Oscar the Grouch. ;)
Missy said…
Holy cow! I must have really like Cookie Monster and Miss Piggy, then. oof.
Janine said…
I was and am the Cookie Monster.

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