I'm A Wreckerator!

Those who know me know that when I screw up, I like to screw up BIG. So there's nothing more comforting for me than to go lurking at Cake Wrecks to laugh loudly at the screw-ups of others.

One Sunday last spring, some stupid remarks by an idiot named Kanye West prompted a post over there with a children's book theme (to see this post, click here. You'll be glad you did.). When I saw my kid's favourite book featured in cupcake-cake form, I knew I had my cake theme for his next birthday. All I had to do was wait about six months.

Well, the 4-year anniversary of the day that joy and evil converged and came screaming out of my uterus has arrived! Yes! Rosemary's Baby is 4! And, just as I promised myself, the Very Hungry Caterpillar cake was the main attraction at dinner tonight!

So, for reference, here is the cake I aspired to copy:

And here is the cake I made:

This, of course, leaves me in a bit of a quandary. On the one hand, I could keep finding gorgeous cakes to replicate and then scratch my head when I end up inadvertently creating the wax-museum-in-a-heatwave version. Or, I could hire a pro to finally get the job done with a bit of skill and expertise. An easy decision, right? There's just one problem.
I follow Cake Wrecks...


Heather said…
There is nothing wrong with that effort. 1) considering it is a forst effort BRILIANT, 2) you got the shape AND colour right

So hands up - I beleive you did exceptionally well!

Thanks for sharing your successes - because that is what I believe they are ;)
Allison said…
I think it's terribly cute! Who wants those professional looking cakes anyway, no one even wants to eat those they look so nice. Then you miss the best part! Sugar Rush!
I think it looks brilliant and I bet Rosemary's Baby loved it too! Well done you!!!
Janine said…
I think this is AMAZING!!! When my kids were small I made different cakes every year for their birthdays! Balloons, smurfs, Elmos, and everything in between... I love your caterpillar!!
laterg8r said…
i love your wreck :D

way better than i could do, i'm impressed :D
Anonymous said…
That's not that bad. No one ever said you were a professional pastry chef, right? I think it's cute!
Stephanie Faris said…
I like yours. The professional ones look too polished. Yours is cuter and looks like it was made with love!
The Blonde Duck said…
I think it's really cute!!!!
Unknown said…
I think that it's sweet and cute...It's hard to judge yourself based on something that someone else has probably been trained to do...I checked out that site...cake wreaks and cracked up!! So Funny!
Anya said…
Never seen such a yummie.. cake !!
My compliments :-)

Unknown said…
I think that it turned out really cute. Any yummy looking. I bet your little guy was pretty excited! I think cupcake cakes are brilliant!
The Blonde Duck said…
Have you ever seen that show cake boss on TLC?
Ms. Sarah said…
Cute! I bet it tasted good. Should whip up a cake for the boys..
G said…
that's great! it looks amazing. please ship me a cake.
Angie Muresan said…
I actually like yours better. It looks real and yummy! Happy 4th to Rosemary's Baby!!! May he have at least 100 more, and may they all be filled with joy, love, family, friends, peace, and good health.
Angela said…
good for you anyway. I think yours is cute.

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