My 150th post should be something more than a hodgepodge of chatter...but it won't be. So, without further ado, I give you post #150!!

Firstly, our tree-trimming party. Firstborn enjoyed trimming the tree:

Rosemary's Baby was more into the hot chocolate.

And, don't most highly-anticipated family events end like this?

Or this?


I've decided I need a new apron. The last one I made about a year ago in a very light fabric, and has ended up looking like this:

Gross. My plan this holiday season is to go through my fabric stash and find a nice DARK one for my next apron.

Speaking of crafts, I finally got around to making myself a beaded wreath for my front door.
It's a little thin for my liking, so I'll work on the design and try again...someday. It'll do for now.
And, I have been remiss in thanking Tater Tot Mom for this award:

A fabulous award from a fabulous blogger! Thanks!!
Finally, despite my strict adherence to my no-impulse-purchases rule, I have decided that it's okay to buy myself a Christmas present. As much as I'd love to be one of those moms in the magazines who refuse to give up who they are and resort to (horrors!) wearing non-designer clothes while they cart their trendy little toddlers on bi-annual trips to New York and Paris, it's just not do-able for me. Until grubby little boys stop smearing maple syrup on my jeans, I couldn't relax in anything I paid an arm and a leg for. That said, my $7 down parka from Steve and Barry's that leaves me covered in feathers every time I take it off has got to go. It's time for a proper, high-quality, grown-up, nice winter coat that will hopefully last me a few years. So, this is what I've ordered for myself online:

It took me about a week to actually go through with the purchase. When I did, my mouse hovered for a moment over the "white" option in the drop-down menu. The idea was just so wintery and bright. But then my brain conjured up an image of me putting it on for the first time, two muddy dogs immediately jumping on my back, Rosemary's Baby projectile-vomiting tomato soup on my front, and a frustrated dry-cleaner screaming at me "What do I look like? A miracle worker?!!" Then I contemplated going with charcoal because it would show less dog hair. But in the end, I had to admit that my love-at-first-sight moment had been when I saw the black one. So I ordered that. Between the Chinese restaurant opening next week, and this coat coming in the mail, I have a lot to look forward to this December!
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!!


Mass Hole Mommy said…
The pics of your boys are too funny! My boys are 5 and 2 and that is EXACTLY how our tree-trimming will end up tomorrow night. LOL!!
Angie Muresan said…
Oh, what cuties your kids are!
I like the black one too. And you deserve to give yourself a gift for Christmas, AND order Chinese too.
Thanks for stopping by!
Unknown said…
Yay - 150 posts! I LOVE the coat - very chic! Very pretty wreath. Cute photos of your tree trimming party, the snoozing on the couch and tears streaming down face ones are classics - very sweet boys!
Congratulations on 150 posts!
Unknown said…
Congrats on 150 posts!! Love the Coat...glad you got black though...you will be able to relax while wearing it.
Kim said…
Re: your tree trimming party - you are such a good mom! Hot chocolate and everything.
Ohhhhh! I love the vivid image you conjured up for me with the white coat and projectile vomiting of tomato soup. It's even a little Xmasy (with that red, white & green)! Sorry! Couldn't help myself!

Congratulations on the 150 posts! You make me smile a lot!
laterg8r said…
gorgeous coat - love it :D
Janine said…
Hey girlfriend. Love the pics.. Sleeping beauty!! - when you see pictures like that all is right with the world.I am glad you got the black one too. If you had the white one it would have looked like your apron in about a week!!!
Have a good one!!
Allison said…
Congrats on 150 posts! Love the pics of your boys! I think the best pics are when they are sleeping or have a pouty face...who wants smiley pictures all the time!

Love the coat...I'm in the market for a new one too and hoping to find a steal on Cyber Monday!
The Blonde Duck said…
Congrats! You totally deserve a gift to go along with your Chinese food feast!

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