These Eyes
My blogging is slipping lately, and I promise to remedy that as soon as I figure out how to clone myself.
For now, here's another Drabby to Fabby before and after! Yes, it's true. I'm slowly turning into one of those people who enters contests for a living. This one is all about smoky eyes. The Captain thought I did it for him. Sweet, silly Captain.

The smoky look! Okay fine, the makeover did nothing for my wrinkles or my pores. And "smoky" might be a bit of an exaggeration. Maybe "foggy" is a better descriptor. Either way, I must've been happy with the look because my eyes seem to have gained some life in the transformation.
Proper post this weekend, I promise. Happy Thursday, everyone! The weekend is almost at hand!
For now, here's another Drabby to Fabby before and after! Yes, it's true. I'm slowly turning into one of those people who enters contests for a living. This one is all about smoky eyes. The Captain thought I did it for him. Sweet, silly Captain.
Check out the wrinkles, the paleness and the pores. Yuck! Also, look at those dull, dead eyes. Most people have to have a lobotomy to get that look. I have Rosemary's Baby.
Proper post this weekend, I promise. Happy Thursday, everyone! The weekend is almost at hand!
Trust me it gets better!!
I have been bad too with the blogging stuff... It's getting to be that time of the year. Christmas approaches way too fast.
I have been stitching up a storm and trying to get my cards done... but alas NCIS is on tonight so.......