
Oh boy, what a month! The Captain has now deployed to places unpleasant and dangerous, and I'm coping with the fear by pretending he's on course and refusing to watch or read any news. I have to say, denial is working well for me!

The Captain had nearly a month off before he left, and right after he deployed my parents came out for a visit. You know parents. I suspect they wanted to see for themselves that, between Rosemary's Baby's diagnosis and the Captain's departure all within a 6-week period, I was not about to have a complete nervous breakdown. They stayed a few days and headed off down the highway for home this morning. So presumably, they figure I'm doing alright.

We had such a great visit, and it came at the perfect time, but necessity dictates that we need to be getting back into routine now. We have had pretty much 6 straight weeks of uproar around here. Both Firstborn and Rosemary's Baby are quite out-of-sorts. As it turns out, we ALL need our routines!

In other news, a VERY belated thank you to Stephanie from Steph In the City , who gave me this award:

For those of you who don't know Stephanie, getting an award from her is like a singer getting a Grammy from Tina Turner, or an actor getting an Oscar from Al Pacino, or a dog getting "Best in Show" from Scooby Doo. It's a serious honour!!
*Stephanie is just a few votes away from becoming the next big name in romantic fiction, so if you have a minute, please, please, please go vote for her here, and tell all your friends to do the same!

A big thank you as well to Allison, AKA Tater Tot Mom, for this:

A wonderful award from a wonderful mom and blogger! I'm sending all my positive energy in Allison's direction, as she would love to have another little pair of feet running her ragged. So everyone do me a favour and send your positive energy, prayers and good karma her way too! And if you karaoke, a little Elvis Costello wouldn't hurt either! Man, why don't people write songs like that about Wendy?!

Also, a HUGE thank you to Tamara at Mad Boastings of a Cheapskate Mom for this:

Yes, it's true! My unlucky streak has been broken! I won the last Drabby to Fabby! I urge you all to start fabbing yourselves up and entering. You too could win awesome booty like this! I'm at a point now where everything seems like a good Drabby-to-Fabby entry. I'm currently contemplating polishing up my nasty, rusty, hard-water stained coffee mugs and posting pictures. It's that addictive, people!

Okay, so give me a few days to slide back into life around here, and I'll be back to reading all your blogs, commenting, and posting a couple of times a week myself. Routine is so comforting!


Allison said…
Good to hear that you're getting back to a routine. You never know how much you need it until it's gone!

Thanks for the thank you and for sending all that positive energy our way...we're going to need it!

Congrats on winning! I was going to be upset I didn't win until I saw it was you and then I just smiled! That's awesome!
Stephanie Faris said…
You'll get back into it all. Give it time. The award was much deserved!
You say the funniest things. It's always a pleasure to drop by your blog and get a smile. I understand completely about having great company and getting back to normal - as abnormal as normal is (lol).
Jeannette StG said…
Sorry, I was scammed - I did not send anyone an invite to Jhoos, but they got hold of my email and followers list, as it appears. Sorry again, Jeannette
laterg8r said…
wow, great swag! now you have to be fabby all the time LOL :D
Janine said…
You lucky dog!! Love that booty you won... Amazing!! I am gonna go and clean my mugs!!
I am glad that you are ok and that things are on the road to normality... whatever that may be.
Have a wonderful weekend.
We only get about 5 kids where we are so I will be eating the Halloween leftovers.!!
Stephanie Faris said…
I just saw your request for people to vote for me. You're SO sweet. Thank you!
Theresa said…
Keeping you in my thoughts while your hubby is deployed. It was just 3 weeks ago I was in the same boat.

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