My Own Personal Awards Ceremony

How Exciting! I got an award! Thanks to Allison at the wonderful blog, Life of a Tater Tot Mom for this:

I'm tempted to put on an evening gown and make an acceptance speech for the dogs!

This is like the blog equivalent of a forward. I have to pick 4 bloggers to pass this on to. Frankly, I could pick 40. I'm now following, officially and not (I often forget to hit the "follow" button and just keep coming back on my own), so many blogs, I can't keep my head on straight anymore. There are many, many great blogs out there!

But I'm going to pass this on to some bloggers who have been hanging out with me from way back when I was only getting three hits a day! So, without further adieu, here are the awesome, crafty blogs that inspire and amaze me:

2BKrafty: This is one of the first blogs I followed when I was a newbie, and Janine generously devoted some of her own blog space to introduce her readers to my little blog. Before that, my mom and my sister were my only readers, and since then I've met so many fantastic people whose comments and messages and blogs enrich my life. Like all the blogs I'm focussing on today, 2BKrafty is devoted to the art (and it is an ART!) of paper crafting. Janine is a superior talent and you really shouldn't take another breath without seeing some of her work.

Chris Scrappin' and Stampin' in Texas: She's a working mom, she's a stamper, and just like all of us, she's living her life! Her work with paper is amazing, her words are honest, and I'm lucky to have found her blog! What more can I say?!

Paper, Ink, Scissors & Stamps: Now here's a girl who knows how to do it! She makes the most gorgeous cards you've ever seen, and leaves you giggling like a 12 year-old girl. If I lived a little closer (and, believe me, Florida is mighty tempting!), I'd be at Deb's place 24/7, spending my husband's hard-earned cash on Stampin' Up stuff and laughing at her jokes!

Windstar Creations: Nancy is another busy mom who finds time to make gorgeous cards. She's not afraid of pattern, she's not afraid to mix it up, and she's not afraid of fiddly cutting. This woman is fearless--and that's what got her through this hideous economy!

So there you have it. For those of you who are receiving this award, don't feel any pressure to pass it on if that's not your thing. When my old friends send me a silly joke via email, I rarely send it forward. I read it and enjoy it and know they were thinking of me, and that's really all I wanted to express by passing on this award.

Happy long weekend everyone!


Janine said…
I accept this award on behalf of all the bloggers out there!!
And to my manager, and to my agent and to my Mom and Dad...

Really - thank you so much Wendy! I appreciate it and it is amazing what wonderful people you meet..
Take care girlfriend and have a fabulous Labour Day weekend.
I will get this up on my blog and nominate four more tomorrow.. I am heading out for the day now!!

xoxo Janine
Stephanie Faris said…
Cool. Congrats to everyone! Hope y'all have a great weekend.
i found your blog from LIFE OF A TATER TOT MOM. i love finding new blogs and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog! Come visit me at SPEAKING FROM THE CRIB! If you decide to follow, I'll be sure to return the favor!
Wendabubble said…
Have a great weekend!
dear knit wit, thank you for becoming a follower of SPEAKING FROM THE CRIB. there are many of us eat-our-weight-in-twinkies women out there and we should NOT eat them alone! i am following you now too! thanks again!
the wine isn't an issue, it's all in individual little cups. it's just the tearing off of the bread. there shouldn't even be an option!
NitWit1 said…
Congrats on award: go to my blog to post named Compliments []and pick up three more if you want them.

I only accept awards which allow me to blanket award them. I have far too many more excellent writers than I am.

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