Food Fight!

Because I'm afraid to put ingredients I can't pronounce into my children, I've been trying to make as much as I can from scratch. So, last night, I decided it was time to take an old favourite of ours, Cornflake Chicken (which is exactly what it sounds like--a chicken breast dipped in egg and then into seasoned, crushed cornflakes and baked) and adapt it so that my kids thought they were eating chicken nuggets.

It didn't fly. So to speak.

We've long since learned that battling with Rosemary's Baby over food is a waste of time. So when he doesn't eat, he just doesn't eat. We don't offer an alternate meal, and dessert isn't a regular thing around here anyway, so he sometimes goes to bed on an empty stomach. He's never given us any indication that he's bothered by this, and he's a pudgy little thing, so we're not worried about an occasional missed meal.

Firstborn, on the other hand, is old enough that we sometimes think we can persuade him just to try something new that he's refusing to touch. So last night, when he ate his french fries with gusto, but wouldn't eat the chicken, the old parenting tools came out.

First we implored him just to take a bite. When that didn't work, we started telling him about all the gross things our parents used to make us eat (sorry, Mom. Boxed fish cakes were vile!), and how he should be thankful we didn't do such things to him. Again, no dice. Then the Captain pulled out the big guns.

"Did you know that when we were kids, we had to eat everything on our plates, or there was no dessert?"

Firstborn, who is a little too smart for his own good, had an answer for this too.

"Yeah, well, it's not the olden days anymore."

For the record, bursting out laughing before your brain has the chance to start screaming "DON'T ENCOURAGE HIM!" doesn't help with these matters at all.


Meeko Fabulous said…
Kids are getting smarter and smarter I tell you . . . Can you imagine when Rosemary's Baby gets older???
Allison said…
So funny! I don't remember being a smart mouth like my little one is sometimes but my Mom says otherwise.

We have the "food fight" almost every night because I have been graced with not one but TWO picky eaters- I only have one child, the other is my husband! But we do the same what I make or no food for you! There are no short order cooks here!
laterg8r said…
out of the mouths of babes LOL :D
Stephanie Faris said…
That's a tough one, getting kids to eat. My boyfriend's daughter absolutely refuses to eat anything she doesn't like and no one forces her. I'm just the girlfriend so I have no say but I remember my mom making me eat things whether I wanted to or not. I choked down many a lima bean while holding my breath so I couldn't taste it!

Oh and I LOVE that cornflake chicken. I make it all the time.
Janine said…
Hi Wendy!! Such a cute little one that First Born... I would love to meet him in person! I think kids with a little bit of 'tude are quite delightful!!
I remember when my Mom made me eat liver or I couldn't go out for Hallowe'en. Even the dog wouldn't eat it so I went to bed and had to steal from my brother's stash...
Whenever we were at the park or out with our 4 year old and we saw someone fall over or off their bikes we would tell the 4yr old that it was because the kid wasn't big and strong and he probably didn't eat his dinner. It might have been weeks till we had to pull it out at dinner time but it pretty much always worked. Also if he refuses to try or eat something I always tell him that his BFF/Hero/Daddy eats it and that they are their favourite - 50/50 hit rate with that one!!

They are sooo darn clever though!!
Allison said…
Stopping by again to say...

You've been given an award!

Stop by to see it!

CB said…
sorry to dissent, but i quite enjoyed the boxed fish cakes! I wish you'd have told me, I'd have eaten yours! then again, i guess i did get my fat little fill as a boy, so i suppose i'm glad I didn't eat yours as well!
Classic Passion said…
Feeding children is nightmare, I have 3 and they all have their particular querks. It is impossible to please every one.
Anonymous said…
Not the olden days anymore?? ha ha ha ha . . woops! Sorry . .didn't mean to encourage. I can't believe they didn't like that chicken. Do you marinate it in buttermilk? Makes for extra tenderness.

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