My Drabby to Fabby Feet

Tamara over at Mad Boastings of a Cheapskate Mom has a new feature called Drabby to Fabby Friday. And yes, I know it's almost Tuesday. But cut me some slack here. Frankly, I'm lucky I made it to within a week!
Having had a distracting last couple of weeks, I didn't read the instructions quite right and thought I had to fab up my feet. It turns out I didn't, but I figure it was still a good start. This week, I'll do my feet, next week maybe I'll move upwards and shave my legs. And before you know it, I'll be showing off my rock hard abs! Why do I hear hysterical laughter coming from somewhere...

Anyway, Drabby to Fabby Friday served as a timely reminder that if I want to be the best I can be for my family, I have to take care of myself first. We moms always say that, but then our needs are the first to hit the road when time is at a premium. So I got strict and forced myself to toss the piles of laundry aside last night and get working on my gross, crypt-keeper feet. Here's the before pic (try not to cringe!):

Note the peeling nail polish, dry skin, broken nail, and the dirt from the daily trek through the vegetable patch under and around every single nail. Disgusting! Be thankful you can't see that my heels are so dry and dead and callused that I could walk over hot coals and not feel a thing. My feet have been ignored for too long!

I like to make do with what I have around the house, so nothing special was used in prettying things up down there. I filled a plastic tub with warm water and added some bath oil that was given to me in, I think, 2002, and never used until now. I soaked my feet for about 15 minutes, and then went to work on those nasty heels with a pumice stone. It really did the trick.

Next, I dried off my feet, and rubbed in some vaseline and then some cheap apricot facial scrub (this is my cheap version of the Mary Kay Satin Hands set--I'm too cheap to buy the real thing!). Then I used some bath gel to wash that off and then dealt with all that dirt using more bath gel and a nail brush. When that was done, I dried off again and moisturized with some Bath and Body Works Orange Ginger lotion the Captain brought home from a recent hotel stay. Then I clipped and filed my nails, removed the old nail polish and re-painted my toes (for the last time this year, I'm sure).

Here are my new-and-improved feet:

I know, I know. Can you even see a difference?! But they feel so much better!
One tip I should share is something I learned from Sister #2 a couple of years ago. If, like me, you find in the winter that the bottoms of your feet get so dry, you can walk across a carpet and stick to it like velcro, go to the dollar store and buy a cheap 3-pack of lip gloss (the stuff that you roll up like ChapStick) and rub that all over the bottoms of your feet before bed. It keeps them surprisingly moisturized. Just make sure not to mix them up with your regular lip gloss...

And there you have it. My feet look, or at least feel better, and I didn't have to spend a dime!


Janine said…
Wendy this is exactly what I do!! Your feet feel fabulous when you soak them and rub them with lotions and potions.
Way to go girl!!
Have a great week!!
laterg8r said…
glad you are taking care of yourself :D
Classic Passion said…
From the Wicked Witch of the West to Princess Peach in one movement. Priceless and well done.

I hate pictures of grotty feet. Makes me heave
Anonymous said…
I can see a difference. Yay you! I know what you mean about the dry feet . . .hubby says I need to use an electric sander on mine to smooth down the callouses. What can I say? I love to go barefoot. As far as putting gunk on my feet and going to bed with socks on. eeewwww!!! I can't stand to have anything on my feet at night. I've been trying the extra-industrial lotion regimine here lately and I think I've got a pretty good thing going now.
Tamara Dawn said…
Hey! I didn't know you did Drabby to Fabby! I linked you up so you are entered in the contest (I hope that is ok?) Anywhoo-my feet feel fantastic! Isn't it great to pay attention to yourself for a change? Thanks so much for being a part of this! :)
Deborah said…
Your feet look good! I didn't do my feet! Your a lot braver than me! I just dressed up and fluffed my hair and wore makeup!!
DiPaola Momma said…
Oh how cewl! You even put bling on your tootsies.. mine are to short and stubby for that. I have SUCH respect for ya knowing now that I'm NOT the only one out there with LAYERS of polish on my toenails. Good luck winning DTFF, it's a GREAT prize pack, huh?

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