Quick Reno Update

Well, I haven't taken any hostages yet.

Actually, things have been running pretty smoothly, but you know how these things are. You can't really relax in your own home when you constantly have people working there. And when you haven't had a shower since Friday. Hopefully tonight...

The place is a mess, but the bath is halfway installed, and we have a new layer of floor. I took a break for some retail therapy yesterday and bought myself 4 new sweaters. That really helped.

Oh, and Janine's very lovely plug has doubled my loyal readership. I'm practically famous!

So, all-in-all, things could be worse.

I still wouldn't mind a bath though...


Nancy said…
I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll have your bath tonight! Way to hang in there! :)
Janine said…
That tub is lookin' GORGEOUS!!!
Hope you get to hop into real soon!!

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