A Little Project

In an attempt to help RB with his pretend play skills, I turned an old, unused Ikea computer table into a little play kitchen for him. I am no woodworker, and this is by no means a professional-looking job, but here's the makeover anyway.


Ugly, orange, peeling and--as I discovered during the sink installation--cardboard on the inside.


Brits of a certain age might recognize my subtle nod to the classic AGA. Okay, fine. It's a pretty subtle nod. The last time I checked, the AGA didn't have a sink built in...

...or a white board on the side... 

...or curtains underneath. 

But it's got a certain retro charm, no? I wanted to paint spiral burners, but my hand is just not that steady anymore.

These old, cheap towel  bars were hanging in our (hideous) bathroom when we moved in. The voices in my head told me to stash them in the workshop for a rainy day. Proof that you should always listen to the voices...

 I had to hang the oven door upside down because RB loves sitting on any appliance door that opens the normal way. Just ask my dishwasher.


So that's my little project. Everything I used came from around the house and workshop, except for the hinges and the screws for the "taps", which came to just over $6 at the hardware store. All the paint (except for the whiteboard stuff, which has been sitting around in the workshop for months, so I don't count it as new) and the plywood for the shelf and oven door were leftovers from past renovations. The curtains were made with fabric from my stash, and the burner knobs were stolen from RB's wooden lacing set. A very cheap (but slightly labour-intensive) project. Firstborn loves it, and has had fun coming up with a new menu on the side. RB just wants to climb in the bottom and close the curtains.

So much for pretend play.


Granny Bob said…
You are amazing!!! I love this, its in my favorite color. Hope R.B. enjoys it. Glad to see you are back,know your very busy but do miss reading your posts. Take care and hope to see you soon.
Unknown said…
That is a really awesome kitchen play-set! Wow! It turned out fabulous! You're so creative! :)
Glenda said…
Talk about multi talented!!! Great job my friend...and so glad your little guy is enjoying it!
Victoria said…
I just loved your little "kitchen". I know I would be happy to play with it in my childhood. Can't imagine myself being able to produce something like that, getting green with envy.
Laeli said…
Ok,that's completely awesome! You did a great job! How clever of you.
stampinganja said…
Your kids have the best mom!!!!
LOL! "proof that you should always listen the inner voices"!! It looks AWESOME!! You did a great job and I'm sure he loves it.
Anonymous said…
I am so impressed! How on earth do you have such skills and creativity?

Hope you are having a fantastic weekend so far...
I am sooo impressed - wow! And as for those inner voices - well, I think they might have got me into more trouble than not if had really listened to them!

Happy chefing everyone.
Angela said…
oh my gosh, that is amazing.
Dimple said…
This is great! As for RB's reaction, well, you can give a kid a toy, but you can't make him play with it!
Tricky Nag said…
Love the play kitchen!! And maybe there's some pretend playing going on behind the curtain (maybe?).

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