Not Dead!

How many times have I had to use that as my title now? I promise to improve soon. My next job (which will probably take me another 2 weeks) will be to catch up with all my blog pals before hopefully getting back into the swing of regular posting. In the meantime, enjoy the thrilling highlights of the past fortnight.

The entire family came down with a horrendous flu-like bug that was going around Firstborn's class. The kids got stomach symptoms. The Captain and I were thankfully spared those, at least. But after having to soldier on for two weeks when I just wanted to lay down and die, I will take herbs, teas and kooky hippie supplements every day for the rest of my life rather than ever get sick again. I suppose I could also eat better.

RB has a new tutor! Finally! After 2 1/2 months of searching, his program provider has finally sent us someone new, and she is settling into the job really well. At the risk of tempting fate, I think we might finally have the dream team we've been looking for to work with our little monster! A few of you were wondering what on earth was taking so long, and the answer is that we live in the middle of nowhere. It's really that simple. Living where we do makes finding anyone to do anything a bit of a challenge. But when you're looking for someone to do a really important, demanding job like this one, finding the right person is nothing short of a kerfuffle. If you don't believe me, ask the mass of new grey hairs on top of my head, or the bags under my eyes. My next house will be smack in the middle of the city!

In other good news, I've completed a 5-minute wreath just in time for Easter. Behold:

If you'd like to do this, and have five minutes to spare, all you need is a circle of cardboard, a bag of basket grass, two dozen dollar-store plastic eggs, some ribbon and/or tulle for a bow and a hot glue gun. If you have a cat, the fun is doubled.

Have a great weekend, everyone. I'll be back soon!


Glenda said…
I'm so glad to see you posting again! I was beginning to worry just a tad. Finally a tutor! Happy days! Glad you and family are better and didn't succumb to the illness...Also love the wreath..I can almost see your cat playing with the grass and swatting the eggs! Happy Easter!
Unknown said…
I'm happy to hear that you have found a new tutor, hurray!

I love your wreath idea! I was looking for a craft for the Girls Group that my daughter and I run at the autism society, and this is perfect! Thank you!

Glad you're feeling better. :)
Telly C. said…
Sorry to hear you all had been so sick! Glad things seem to be smoothing back out. Congrats on finding your tutor! And very cute Easter wreath :)
Dimple said…
Good to hear about the tutor, now you can get a break once in a while!

The thought of doing your wreath with a cat's help made me smile. If I had been trying to do it, I probably would NOT have smiled!

Love the new jacket; I completely agree that it makes no sense to buy something used for anywhere near the new/clearance price! Bye-bye VV!
Angela said…
Take care and see you back to regular posting soon. : )
Sounds like you all have been busy, busy. And look at you...making a wreath.
Deb Neerman said…
WoW, love your Easter wreath ... bet that kitty had fun, too!

So sorry to hear that you've been feeling poorly. I've been sick myself for weeks with some weird, unidentified bacterial infection ... I want to die now.

Have a great week, Sweetie!
Melanie said…
love the wreath and so glad to hear that the dream team has formed the way you were hoping. I am happy to have a chance to take a read myself.
LOL! If you have a cat the fun is doubled. Too funny! I need to come back when I have time and make it through a lot more posts! Glad to hear your good news.
Tricky Nag said…
How awesome to have found someone!! I hope it works out.
Love the wreath! I failed with a front door decoration this year. You give me hope though that simple can look fantastic!!
I hope everyone is feeling better by now.

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