My Christmas Wishlist. Aaaaayyyyyyyy...

I am now less than two weeks away from the night when Santa squeezes himself down my chimney and rewards me for being good all year! My only major transgressions this year were betraying the Captain by buying a fake tree, and occasionally forgetting to water his plants (RIP aucuba japonica). So naturally, I'm expecting a serious haul when I wake up on the 25th. Here's my wishlist:
Adobe Photoshop Elements 8: I decided to take my (VERY amateur) photography to a new level this year by learning to use the manual settings on my camera. It really changed the way my photos came out, and while I will never be someone who cares about the technical information associated with each and every photo, I do like to fool around with my pictures after the fact. Something a little less basic than the program that came with my camera would really kick things up a notch.
Dyson DC25 Vacuum: Last year around this time, the Captain went to do a little light vacuuming in the living room. But when he turned the upright on, there was a big poof and a sound that was a little like screaming. We figured it was an old vacuum, shrugged our shoulders and grabbed the ShopVac instead. He plugged it into the same outlet and...the exact same thing happened. Turns out during the kitchen renovation, someone hooked up one of the outlets to WAY too much power, and now both of our vacuum cleaners were toast. We blocked off the faulty wall outlet, got another ShopVac, and things have been fine since. But after a year of lugging that giant thing all over the house to clean up after Rosemary's Baby, I've had enough. I need something easier to haul, and this baby is the one!
LG Ultra-Capacity SteamWasher: Am I starting to sound like a 50's housewife yet?! I am, but I SO need a new washer. Our LG is about 8 years old now, and every cycle requires me to go in there at least once with a hammer and hit it in just the right place to get it going again. I'm the Fonz of the front-loader. It's humiliating. This one is not only even more environmentally friendly than our old one, but it comes in red. SOLD! To the lady in curlers and an apron...
Tassimo Coffee Machine: The Captain has this restaurant-quality espresso machine that he understands like Mr. Miyagi understands karate. Sadly, I am no coffee sage, so I can't figure out how to get the thing working without heating it up for half a day. In short, it's a pain in my butt and I never use it. I love coffee and hate hassle, so I'm the person for whom the Tassimo was created. The Captain would divorce me if he came home and found it sitting on the kitchen counter. I'm still debating whether or not this is a fair trade-off.
And that's my list! What do you guys want for Christmas?
I already have a dyson though, and I wouldn't ever get any other kind of vacuum, ever - it is the greatest. Plus, it handles dog and cat hair like you wouldn't believe. If I was a better house keeper, and used it more frequently, you wouldn't ever know that we shared the house with two cats and two dogs, who like to also share the furniture. I would recommend the animal attachments.
I hope Santa brings you everything you ask for.
I also want a pair of grown up shoes... heels, that need a sacred spot in my closet.
OH!!! and the soda fountain that EVERYone is giving away, that I just CAN NOT win!! :P
My Iron fell off of the board last night and is irreparable. I am thinking I'm going to ask for a new one for Christmas, and maybe a new board since DS bent mine in a pretend surfing incident and it won't close. Perhaps they can be Shepherds.
You know your personal growth may be stagnating just a bit when you are excited over home appliances. Maybe I will also ask "Santa" for edible massage oil.
Merry Christmas,